Special 10-year lecture by Rick Haldenby
The last event of the 2023-24 Laurentian Architecture Lecture Series is scheduled for Thursday Mar.14 at 5:40 pm in the Lecture Hall. The guest lecturer will be University of Waterloo Professor Rick Haldenby. This special lecture will close our 10-year celebrations as Rick Haldenby, who played a key role in the early days that led to the creation of the McEwen School of Architecture, will talk about the foundations of creating a new school of architecture in the North. This lecture is presented by the Ontario Association of Architects. It is free and open to all.
Rick Haldenby, FRAIC, has been a faculty member of the University of Waterloo School of Architecture since 1976 and has dedicated himself to teaching ever since. He founded the Waterloo Rome Program in 1979 and celebrated its 40th anniversary with over 200 alumni/ae in Rome in 2019. He served as Director of the School for 26 years between 1988 and 2013. Along the way, he won the University of Waterloo Distinguished Teacher Award, worked in archaeology in Italy, Egypt and Tunisia and, with Lorenzo Pignatti, published Il Progetto del’Antico/The Design of Antiquity. Professor Haldenby served as Chair of the Council of Canadian University Schools of Architecture and twice member of the Board of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. He served on the boards of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture and the Canadian Architectural Certification Board. Haldenby received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Council of University Schools of Architecture, Special Jury Prize at the Kitchener Waterloo Arts Awards and the Dr. Jean Steckle Award for Heritage Education from the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation.
See you there!

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