2025 Ice Stations: Union (Roy)

The 2024-25 Ice Stations are now on Ramsey Lake and the MSoA invites you to go see and experience them in person before they vanish when the temperature warms up. To enjoy the beautiful student work, we are now sharing beautiful photos and videos to celebrate this year’s installations

This project was designed and then built and installed by 1st year architecture students on Ramsey Lake. Below are photos of the installation and the video put together by the students which documented their entire Ice Station design-build process, from early ideas to the installation on the lake.

This station is called “Union” and was designed and built by the students in Brook-Lynn Roy’s Francophone studio group: Xavier Gauthier Boucher, Paolo Gottardo, Justine Larouche, Julia Martins, Emilie Paquette, Lauriane Richard, Tristan Savard, Morgan Smith, Eugénie Socqué Evelyn Stewart, Etienne Stoub, Roselyn Urena Tejada and Neomi Venne.

The Ice Stations are made possible thanks to our generous main sponsor TD Bank, as well as the City of Greater Sudbury, which hosts the students projects. This project also benefits from the support of Evans Home Building Center and Knowhere Public House.
