The MSoA’s accreditation has been successfully renewed!

The McEwen School of Architecture is granted full accreditation until 2030! Congratulations to all of the students, faculty and staff at the McEwen School of Architecture! This is a major milestone as we establish and promote excellence in architecture education!

“The McEwen School of Architecture continues to thrive as an extraodinary place to study architecture. Our students and graduates are regularily recognized in nation-wide awards and publications and are employed in architecture firms across the country and abroad. This 6 year award of accreditation is a testament to the hard work by our students, and importantly, a testament to the tenacious work by McEwen School of Architecture faculty and staff who have supported the highest quality experience for our students." Dr. Tammy Gaber — Director, McEwen School of Architecture.

About the accreditation
The Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB)/Conseil Canadien de Certification en Architecture (CCCA) has renewed the professional Master of Architecture Program Accreditation for 6 years (the maximum Schools can get). The School’s accreditation status covers both undergraduate and graduate programs leading to the Master of Architecture degree. Click here to visit our Accreditation page and learn more about the Accreditation Process (and browse through the CACB Visiting Team Report, presenting the results of the evaluation of the School’s professional Program).

The CACB only accredits Programs that are intended by their institution to be professional degrees in architecture that lead to licensure. Professional accreditation of a Program means that it has been evaluated by the CACB and substantially meets the educational standards that comprise, as a whole, an appropriate education for an architect. The CACB requires Annual Reports from each School. This will lead to the MSoA’s next accreditation visit in an ongoing cyclical basis.

About the McEwen School of Architecture
The McEwen School of Architecture (MSoA), one of Laurentian University’s professional schools, is located in downtown Sudbury, Ontario. The MSoA offers a four-year Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS), followed by a two-year Master of Architecture degree (M.Arch). Since its opening in 2013, over 420 students have successfully completed their undergraduate degree (BAS) at the School, and 200 students have since graduated from its Master of Architecture (M.Arch) program.

English, Francophone, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives are all central to the unique tri-cultural mandate of the program. Through Elders in residence, Indigenous faculty members, French design studio instruction, and local community-design and design-build exercises each year, students are exposed to an array of methods, knowledge, and experience that is uniquely ‘Northern’. The lessons learned from these local contexts are then extrapolated to address global issues in the disciplines of architecture, landscape design, and sustainable built environments.

The school’s cooperative education model is rooted in Northern Ontario’s (Canada’s) cultures and experiential learning. It features an integrated co-operative program where students obtain practical experience through work-term placements with related architectural and design employers.