Fabrication 2

ARCH-5326 – Fabrication 2 – Winter 2020
The final course in the graduate program on ‘Fabrication’ builds upon the knowledge gained in ARCH-5306. Projects are instructed in a tutorial manner. A major objective of the course is to explore the design of advanced systems in architecture. Projects and assignments continue to explore the idea of hybrid technologies as they relate to architectural design. Fabrication technologies, material studies, or building details may inform or support complex design questions arising in Thesis Studio 2 (ARCH 5565).

Course taught by Randall Kober. 

ASG-2 - Exhibition Documents

In this assignment, the students create a finely crafted and thought-provoking object that supports their thesis project. The object, poetic or prosaic, conceptual or literal, is integral to thesis inquiry. It is an exploration and presentation of the central thesis proposition. Ideas obtain mass and become tactile. 

The supporting text is developed in the parallel Material Culture (ARCH-5086) course.

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