Pan-Canada Lecture Series: Alain Fournier and Shakohahiiostha Kyle McComber

The next lecture from the Pan-Canada Lecture Series will be hosted by the Université de Montréal this Tuesday Feb. 9 at 5:30 pm (via Zoom). The guest speakers are Alain Fournier and Shakohahiiostha Kyle McComber. They will talk about supporting indigenous initiated architecture in Canada through the architectural curriculum.

Introducing indigenous initiated projects as part of architectural design studios has proven quite successful for both the communities and the soon-to-become architects. Two examples of recently completed design studios will be presented: The Indigenous Cultural Centre/Embassy in Montreal, and The Kanien’keha:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitiohkwa Linguistic, Cultural and Theater Center in Kahnawà:ke. The co-creation exercise is an ideal forum to initiate real dialogue. It is truth and reconciliation not just in words but through actions.