Emilie Pinard

Associate Professor, Ph.D.


  • PhD in Architecture and anthropology, Université Laval
  • M.Sc.Arch, Université Laval
  • M.Arch, Université Laval

Contact epinard@laurentian.ca
Office: TE-215 - Downtown Sudbury Campus
705 675 1151 #

Preferred Language

Francais, English


Emilie Pinard is an Associate Professor at the McEwen School of Architecture where she teaches Design Studio, Thesis and Cultural Sustainability courses. She holds a Master of Architecture Degree and a Doctorate in Architecture and Anthropology from Université Laval. She completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg. Emilie’s work and teaching experience focus on people-environment relationships, housing, informality and collaborative architecture. She is conducting research on the role of vernacular and popular building know-how and practices in contemporary architecture. With the Habitats + Cultures Group from Université Laval, Emilie worked on different design and research initiatives conducted in collaboration with members of the Innu communities of Nitassinan and Inuit of Nunavik. She is a co-researcher in the Living in Northern Quebec: Mobilizing, Understanding, Imagining an Interdisciplinary Research Partnership (http://www.habiterlenordquebecois.org/), which has as its research subject the culturally appropriate and sustainable planning of Innu and Inuit habitats.

Research and Scholarship

2020-2024 Chaire UNESCO pour la conception et la construction d’écoles solidaires et durables. Co-chair.
2022-2023 Répertoire visuel pour la conception de centres de transmission et de partage des savoirs au Nunavik. Principal investigator (Subventions d’échange de connaissance du CRSH)
2019-2023 Doing things differently: An atlas of best practices and opportunities for culturally acceptable and sustainable living environments in Nunavik. Collaborator (Sentinel North)
2018-2022 Construire sur les traditions : savoir-faire et innovation dans l’architecture vernaculaire, Sénégal et Guinée-Bissau. Principal investigator (CRSH développement savoir + FRUL)
2018-2022 Apprendre du territoire : conception en collaboration d’un centre de la transmission de la culture innue. Principal investigator (CRSH engagement partenarial)
2015-2020 Habiter le Nord québecois : Mobiliser, comprendre, imaginer. Co-researcher (CRSH partenariat)


Pinard, E. (2024) Senegal and Mali. In Brown, L et Burns, K. (eds.) The Bloomsbury Global Encyclopedia of Women in Architecture, 1960-2015. Londres: Bloomsbury.
Gouin, E., Pinard, E. & Vachon, G. (2024) L’heure est à la collaboration : Bilan réflexif d’expériences de recherche-création collaborative avec la communauté innue de Uashat mak Mani-utenam, in Della Faille, D. et Abanda, F.(eds.) Cahier spécial CIÉRACITÉ : Enjeux méthodologiques et éthiques de la recherche en contexte autochtone. CIÉRA-UQO
Kane, M.N., Ndiaye, M. et Pinard, E. (2023) Study of Construction Techniques and Hygro-Thermal Behavior of a Vernacular Earth Building in a Humid Tropical Climate. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 11(3), 69-85.
Blais, M. et Pinard, E. (2021) Introduction – Construire et habiter l’Inuit Nunangat / Building and Dwelling in Inuit Nunangat. Études Inuit Studies (numéro spécial, éditrices invitées), 44(1-2): 11-36.
Pinard, E. (2021) The consolidation of ‘traditional villages’ in Pikine, Senegal: Negotiating legitimacy, control and access to peri-urban land. African Studies, 80(2): 172-189.
Piché, D. et Pinard, E. (2019) Genre, villes et développement : regard sur l’Afrique subsaharienne. In Levy, C. et Martinez, A. (eds.) Genre, féminismes et développement – une trilogie en construction, Ottawa : Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 367-92.
Vachon, G., Pinard, E., Blais, M., André-Lescop, G. et Rock, c. (2017) Vers des visions partagées. Des outils visuels pour l’aménagement durable des communautés innues de la Côte-Nord. Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, 48(1): 121-136.
Pinard, E. (2016) Les femmes propriétaires à Pikine, Sénégal: entre nouvelles responsabilités familiales et désir d’autonomie. Recherches féministes, 29(2): 43-62.
Pinard, E. (2016) From courtyard houses to villas: The incremental transformation of Dakar’s urban landscape. Open House International, 41(2): 15-22.

Honors and Awards

2019 #1 Top 10 Laurentian University Research and Innovation Achievements of 2018-2019