Fall 2021 M1 Craft Studio – Two Bridges
Last Fall the graduate M1 Craft Studio (led by Master Lecturer Randall Kober) designed a timber pedestrian and bicycle bridge for downtown New Liskeard in Temiskaming Shores. The 49 meter long bridge has been designed to span the Wabi River near its mouth where it meets Lake Temiskaming. It is a continuation of an intra-urban recreational trail. The students worked remotely with Moses Structural Engineers based in Toronto to complete the schematic design proposal for the bridge which was presented at a City Council meeting in December. The large wooden model built by the students is on display in the City Council Chamber. The student’s work was also featured in The ‘Temiskaming Speaker’ (see image of the article below).
In addition, the students also further developed the bridge designed in the Fall of 2019 by that semester’s Craft Studio. The bridge is to be built very near Fort La Cloche over rapids on the stream that empties Lake La Cloche. MSoA is working with Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation & Ontario Parks to build the bridge at the western terminus of the Kichitwaa Shkwaandem (Heaven’s Gate) Trail. The students worked remotely with Moses Structural Engineers based in Toronto to complete design development and begin the construction drawings for the bridge.
Students: Harman Bassan, Livingston Boyd, James Bursa, MacKenzie Cameron, Catherine Daigle, Maxwell Funk, Brook-Lynn Roy, Thomas Vanderkruk & Brett Walter

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