Design for Climate Change (F20)

ARCH-2306 – Design for Climate Change – Fall 2020
This course reviews climate change science and addresses the role of architecture in mitigating global warming and adapting buildings and cities. The course introduces issues of sustainability and means to design in regards to energy conservation, ecological footprint, resiliency and wellbeing: site conditions, passive strategies, envelope, materials, renewables, etc. Special consideration is given to design in northern climates and Indigenous perspectives.

Course taught by Jean-Philippe Saucier.

ASG-2 - Passive Design Integration

This assignment allows students to apply through design the theory and methods of passive design learned in class and in previous assignments. It is directly linked to the contemplative building (project from ARCH-4526). It supports students in making their design more environmentally responsible. It is subdivided into two parts: (a) site analysis and conceptual intentions and (b) selection and integration of passive design strategies. Each student must produce a panel and a supporting report.