Building Case Studies (W20)

ARCH-4006 – Building Case Studies – Winter 2020 
This course furthers each student’s ability to conduct a sustained study of a complex work of architecture through select building case studies. Well designed and well documented buildings are studied in parallel to the Integrated Design studio in order to deepen each student’s analytical abilities. Buildings are drawn, modelled, dissected, and recombined in a manner that allows us to understand and appreciate the complexity of a given design. Contemporary building culture in Canada as well as iconic buildings from around the world are the subject of study.

Course taught by Randall Kober. 

ASG-2 - Domesticity

Students demonstrate their understanding of a single-family residence and the architect’s underlying conceptual thinking. Researching and diagramming the project to transform the house into a possible next iteration.

Click on image for author’s name.

ASG-3 - Complexity

Teams of three students choose a public building, analyze, and synthesize research into a presentation, written report, diagrams, and a virtual case to contain the research. The building and its site’s intellectual, physical, social, political, and cultural past and present are established to place it in time and space. They examine the architects’ practice for its fundamental desires and goals. They analyze the building’s function and form for its interpretation of the given program, relationship to human scale, geometry, materiality, tectonics, and established typologies.