ARCH-5505 – Design Studio: Architecture & Craft – Fall 2019
This optional graduate Design Studio, selected by each student, examines issues of craft in architecture. Studying the history of manual craft and digital craft forms a foundation for positioning the specific design studio project. The studio focusses on the making of building details; other times it focusses on the methods of production that lead to craft. Vernacular buildings and building systems are introduced as case studies and references. The notion of craft in architecture allows building details to become generators of the larger architectural project.
Course taught by Randall Kober.
Design of bridge at Fort LaCloche on Lake Huron’s North Channel. The site is disputed land of Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation immediately adjacent to Ontario Provincial Parks property. Both parties are clients of the project which is intended as a beginning of Kichitwaa Shkwaandem, Heaven’s Gate trail which connects to Killarney Provincial Park.
The film chronicles the design process of the bridge at Fort LaCloche, Sagamok Anishnawbeek First Nation.
The bridge is planned to be built by McEwen students in the fall 2021 semester.