Book Launch: Beyond the Divide by Tammy Gaber
The MSoA will host a hybrid event on Thu. March 17 (6:30 pm) to celebrate the launch of Dr. Tammy Gaber’s book: “Beyond the Divide: A Century of Canadian Mosque Design.” Dr. Gaber will talk about the book and her work from the MSoA Library with a few people in attendance. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. This talk will also be streamed live on Zoom Webinar (see link below).
Beyond the Divide explores the mosques of Canada in their diversity, beauty, practicality, and versatility. From east to west and to the north, Gaber visits 90 mosques in more than 50 cities, including Canada’s most northern places of worship in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. For nearly a century Muslims have made mosques in a variety of spaces, from converted shops and vacated churches to large, purpose-built complexes. Drawing on-site photographs, architectural drawings, and interviews, Gaber explores the extraordinary diversity in how these spaces have been designed, built, and used – as places not only of worship, but of community gathering, education, charitable work, and civic engagement. Throughout, Beyond the Divide provides a groundbreaking analysis of gendered space in Canadian mosques, how these spaces are designed and reinforced, and how these divides shape community experience.
This event is free and open to all. Please join us on Mar. 17 by following this link.

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